Ever wondered what Strong password is? or how to develop/build a strong password.
Moreover, a strong passsword at the same time is tough to remember but at the same time secures yourself from Brute-force attacks making it difficult for brute-force applications to guess those passowrds.
It also helps yourself from Social Hijacking as well.
So, what is Strong password ?
Those are the one which includes the following :
- Uppercase Letters eg. A,B,C
- Lowercase Letters eg. a,b,c
- Numbers eg. 1,2,3
- Special symbols eg. !,@,#
- Un-expected combinations of those abhove.(making it difficult for intruder to guess the same and certainly fails to social hijacking)
- Never use your mobile no, girlfriend's name, Vehicle no etc etc as these are the one you are most porne to.
password: 25,000 US Dollars
You can check the Strength of your passwords Here.
Believe me you will be safe than before.
Thanz, do comment.
I use a site called http://random.pw to help me generate strong and memorable passwords. It also has a password strength checker, similar to the one you posted.
I find it helpful to use unexpected combinations when creating strong passwords.
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